Exilis Elite

Exilis Elite

Exilis Elite
Around 90 percent of skin aging is caused by the sun and on average, women will
sustain 80% of their sun damage before they turn 20. Around 20-years-old, collagen
production begins to drop by 1% per year, and the thickness of skin also drops, roughly
by 7% every 10 years. At Aesthetic Pearl in San Anselmo, we are proud to offer our
patients a solution to maintain a youthful appearance and reverse the signs of sun
damage to skin.
The Exilis Elite simultaneously uses a combination of radio frequency and ultrasound to
tighten skin and address body concerns. While Exilis Elite can reduce fat deposits in
hard-to-reach areas, it is not a solution for weight loss, but rather a tool that can help
boost your results. You will experience longer-lasting results as long as you continue to
sustain a healthier lifestyle. It is not a weight loss solution. The device will instead
provide controlled heating and cooling, which ensures that the energy is delivered to
various depths in the targeted tissue. By changing between power and cooling during
treatments, the device is able to treat everything from superficial, fine lines to deep
wrinkles within the deep tissue on the body. The applicator on the device uses the
concentrated thermal energy to disrupt the collagen fibers deep within the skin. Over
time, your skin appears smoother, fine lines are noticeably reduced, and your body is
Skin temperatures are controlled throughout the entire session, which provides
guaranteed safety during treatment. Exilis Elite was intended for:

  • Non-invasive treatments for wrinkles and rhytids
  • Temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite
  • Temporary relief in pain
  • Increased local circulation

The Exilis Elite is the ideal treatment for any patient between the ages of 21 and 70+
who are looking for cosmetic enhancements for their face and body. This procedure
meets firm safety standards and contains an energy flow control system to guarantee
that the right amount of energy is distributed during the treatment. At Pearl Aesthetics,
your doctor will create the best treatment plan based on your individual needs and
goals. Patients generally have an average of 2-4 treatments scheduled weekly.
Treatments generally take between 15-30 minutes, though this can vary depending on
the body part being treated and the number of treatments needed. Our patients report
seeing amazing results, and there have been hopeful clinical outcomes.
The entire Exilis Elite procedure is non-invasive and requires no recovery period. Our
patients can easily have the treatment on their lunch break and return back to their
regular daily schedule. Results can typically improve over a 3-month follow up period,
but you may see visible improvements after just one session. Exilis Elite has been
researched and developed for many years. Its technology has enabled many doctors to
offer comfortable and safe therapy that uses radio-frequency and ultrasound.
Contact Aesthetic Pearl Today at 1(415) 405-0200 to schedule a consultation.